Coaches Certification (CMBA)
All coaches come out with only the best of intentions and parallel to that thought, CMBA wants to make sure you have the foundational tools to build off of... plus keep in mind this sport evolves! With that thought in mind it is also a moment to reiterate that CMBA ball is based on the Canadian style of play.... what does that mean?!? Perfect, you register, take the FREE course and learn it, to implement it!
CMBA has been at the leading edge of offering the most up-to-date and well researched youth sports development models to their coaches. The concepts and ideas presented in the CMBA Coach Development clinics has resulted in exciting success - the feedback provided by coaches attest to this fact. Years of research & development in youth sports has resulted in proven teaching techniques, proven decision-making processes and proven Style of Play concepts that coaches are encouraged to utilize. CMBA has embraced these best-in-class concepts and the results speak for themselves.
Canada Basketball's Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Model, Rick Torbett's Read & React Offense and Point Guard College's concepts to develop players are all utilized in CMBA's Fall CD Program.